Twitter As A Social Bookmarking Solution

Estimated read time 2 min read

Twitter is self-explanatory. And if you don’t know anything about Twitter, this social bookmarking website isn’t going to provide you with any solutions, because you likely don’t have the first idea about social bookmarking.

Not to be blunt, but if you are interested in marketing your product, service, or website, you probably already have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of social bookmarking, and are able to function with sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The key to successful social bookmarking through Twitter isn’t really a trick. Using Twitter in conjunction with your existing purposes should just be secondary to your goals of promoting yourself. Having a Twitter account is almost as much of a necessity as having business cards these days–it connects you with relevant partners, friends, or people sharing similar interests.

Utilizing Twitter as a social bookmarking tool is important, yet it is even more important that you don’t abuse the service. The idea is that you want to attract real people with a real genuine interest in what you are offering, a link, a news clip, a fact, a sale, whatever. If you use Twitter to spam your website, sure you’re going to get links from your account, but you’re not going to get anyone else to promote your posts, and you’re more likely to get your account banned for spamming.

Search Engines

If you think Twitter is the solution to earning top spot in the search engines, you’ve got a lot more to learn. Instead, think of Twitter as one more media outlet that you can use to politely share your resources and services to those who in turn might want to share them as well.

There are plenty of addons and plugins for partnering Twitter with your website, such as WordPress plugins. Consider implementing one of those features into your website to help you promote new articles, stories, or promotions.

Remember: Twitter is used by millions of people, and they not necessarily interested in what you have to offer. You have to ingratiate yourself to the right Twitter audience, and perhaps you’ll gain greater social bookmarking value as a result.

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